Thursday, October 14, 2010

Captain- A short history and what he is currently doing

Captain is a odd horse. He is very sweet but he is also very nervous. He can be ridden but has recently been displaying some behaviours that are unwanted. He came from a woman who had him alone in her back yard. He was well cared for and she had some groundwork training put on him. From what she told us he came from out west and had been ridden but she didn't know much more than that. It was clear he had some abuse from the way he reacted to people. He wanted to get attention but was very nervous of it. When we got him to the farm I started riding him and he was fine. I could move him around with leg and he went on the bit. But he started having some issues with rearing and I decided we needed to take more time with ground work before I got back on.
So I decided to put him into 6 months of consistent training. We are on week three of Training...

-Week one Captain was Tacked up and Bited in the round pen. I bited him for about a hour each side and a hour straight back. And then lunged for about 20 minuets with side reins. He reared a few times when being lunged but nothing major.

-Week two Captain wore a surcingle with two empty laundry detergent bottles hanging off each side. When I first put them on he would tear around the round pen but after a few days he realized he didn't have to run.

-Week three I have been ground driving Captain. The first day he was much better than I expected. The second day the rearing came out again but he worked through it without it being to traumatic on either of us.
 And the third day (today) he was great.

Here is a short clip from day one.


Here is a short clip from day two.


*This is just a clip, the whole training sessions was about a 1/2 hour long. I did check him to make sure he was not hurt before we continued

And a short clip from day three.


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